Keynote Speaking

Book me for your next event!

Whether it’s at a conference or company event, the entertaining and practical nature of my talks will connect with your audience and inspire them to explore simple and positive changes to the way they work and lead.

Drawing on personal experience and research related to my ongoing quest to make workplaces more inclusive and flexible, I share insights and practical advice about the future of flexible working.

Example Speaker Topics

The Power of Part-Time

Are you seeking a fresh approach to increasing gender diversity at senior levels in your organisation and addressing your gender pay gap?

Are you interested in tapping into a hidden talent pool of experienced candidates?

Are you wondering how to retain your incredibly experienced staff who are reaching retirement age?

In this inspiring and engaging talk Belinda uncovers why making part-time working a core part of your talent strategy will set you up for success in these areas, now and into the future.

Leading Flexible Teams

Flexible working has the power to dramatically change how we live and work for the better. When done well, it also positively impacts productivity and enables organisations attract the best talent.

But how do people leaders get the implementation of flexible working right for themselves and their teams, so that all these benefits can be achieved?

In this entertaining and practical talk Belinda provides simple tips for people leaders who are looking to navigate their teams through new ways of working with confidence and ease.

The Future of Flexible Working

The flexible working landscape is changing quickly.

Remote, Hybrid, 4Day Week, Part-Time, Job Share, Compressed Work Week, Schedule Flexibility, Asynchronous Working - there is a lot business leaders need to be across.

Given this complexity, how do you create a simple and effective flexible working strategy that is right for your unique business?

Belinda discusses the key features of the current landscape, shares a window into how it is likely to evolve, and lays out practical steps for creating future-ready flexible working approach.

Belinda had a wonderful style and a great mix of data, questions to consider, and practical take aways.
— Andrew, conference organiser
A very thought provoking session, thanks so much for amplifying the importance of a more inclusive and equal workplace.
— Debra, audience member

See Belinda in action


(40 second clip)

(3 minutes)



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Speaker Biography/Profile

Belinda Morgan is a flexible work expert, leadership coach and author.

In her work as a consultant, Belinda has seen firsthand how cultures that glorify overwork and prioritise profits above all else can be highly damaging to people’s wellbeing, to inclusion outcomes and to results. She has also seen and experienced the enormous positive difference it can make when you find work that is both fulfilling and flexible.

As a result of these experiences, she is now passionate about helping organisations and individuals successfully embed inclusive and flexible work practices in a way that benefits everyone.

Belinda is a member of Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand and holds a Bachelor of Commerce/ Bachelor of Arts from the University of New South Wales.

She is author of the book “Solving the Part-Time Puzzle” and her articles on flexible working have been published in Forbes Magazine and The Australian.