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How can we best design part-time roles ?

Working 9 to 5? Not the only way to make a living.

How to succeed in a part-time role.

The flexible work revolution.

What does it mean to work and live large?

What does the future of work look like?

Why is part-time work important and how can we get it right?

How do leaders and organisations solve the part-time puzzle?


Why Leaders Can Thrive in Part-Time Roles

Why part-time work is an important diversity lever

Let’s change our assumptions about part-time work

Part-Time Work Has an Image Problem

Why senior roles need to be more flexible too

The glaring problem with part-time work

We need to re-think part-time work – for our own good

How to thrive in a part-time role without being overworked

Why we need to rethink part-time work

How SMEs can benefit from hiring people into part-time roles

Why powerful and privileged men need to stop telling us to get back to the office full-time

How to get rid of unnecessary meetings that chew up time

Why senior roles need to be more flexible

The 7 myths about part-time work

Why we need to squash our prejudice against part-time work

Drop your part-time prejudice

Poor part-time work policies a “recipe for overwhelm”

Part of the gender pay gap solution is to make senior roles more flexible

Creating more part-time leadership roles – challenges and solutions

Part-time work can be a game changer for families